Our Approach

Step 1:

Once we’ve identified potential opportunities, our team looks at key factors including price, location, and asset quality. This helps ensure we only acquire properties that match our investment criteria and have the potential to pass the detailed underwriting process that follows.

Step 2:

The underwriting process includes a comprehensive due diligence checklist. From onsite inspections to a financial deep-dive, we mitigate potential risks while maximizing potential rewards. Only qualified deals move forward.

Step 3:

Once the property is stabilized for 90 days, we refinance the property with long-term financing. At that time, we pay off any short term construction/acquisition loans and most importantly, pay our investors’ money back.

Step 4:

With a primary focus on cash flow, we drive profits to the bottom line while maintaining the asset. This positions the property for a profitable exit for our investors. With return of equity and profits, our investors are now positioned to take advantage of the next Boomerang acquisition.

Step 5:

We are invested in not just our properties, but also in the systems, processes, and tools needed to manage a portfolio of income-producing assets across multiple markets. Boomerang oversees all asset and project management, ensuring a consistent approach that drives success.

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We Provide our Investors with a Stable Return and a Strong Back End Through
Multi-Family Real Estate